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You can find the actual list of concerts, ethnographic performances and children's tales at our Facebook page:

Lovely Memories

Christmas Concert

MagNet Közösségi Ház

1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 98., 7 pm

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Szimpla Kert

1075 Budapest, Kazinczy utca 14., 8 pm

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Dancing with the Universe Concert

Budapest, Csodák Palotája, 8 pm

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Peoples' Concert

Agárd, Művelődési Ház, 4 pm

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Concert and Dance House

Dancing with the Universe

Eötvös10 Közösségi és Kulturális Színtér

1067 Budapest, Eötvös utca 10., 7 pm


Chamber concert

Verőce, Forrás Gallery, 8 pm

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Male Mazurki Festival

Workshop, children's tale and concert, dance house

Ethnographic Museum, Warsaw


Oriental Journey - Children's concert

Leskowsky Museum

Kecskemét, Rákóczi út 15., 11 am


Concert at Ars Sacra Festival

Ars Sacra Festival, Párbeszéd Háza, 5 pm



Children's Concert at O.Z.O.R.A.

Ozora Festival

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Concert at Lake Velence

Ütős Fesztivál (Percussion Festival)

Szabadstrand, Agárd, HU

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Album Release Concert at Lake Balaton

Babel Sound Festival

Balatonboglár, HU

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"HolddalaNap Not-concert"

Kapolcska Fest, 7 pm

Kapolcska Stage, Kapolcs, HU

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Summer-opening Childrens' Concert

Kondor Béla Közösségi Ház, 11 am

1181 Budapest, Kondor Béla sétány 8., HU

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Pentecostal Concert

Budapest, Buda Castle, 6.30 pm


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Album Release Concert

Dancing with the Universe

Budapest, Fonó Budai Zeneház, 7:00 pm

Ticket info

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Should you wish a dance song or a slower piece, for children or adults, you can pick one from our repertoire at your pleasure

An exciting, stirring



Tematikus koncert


Dance with the Universe

Ritual Dance Music from Our New Album: Songs of the Road Moving Upward and Inward

Song is a ladder, a prayer-path wafting upwards. The soul moves, the body rises through these swift, energetic songs which awaken the heart and touch the senses from head to toe via a ballad of love or quiet prayers for peace in echoes of the music of the heart, where boundaries melt into light. No matter your preferences or cultural background, we heartfully hope you can feel at home here, as we wrap ourselves in waves of sound!


HolddalaNap’s music consists of their own songs which transform the deep messages and stories relayed by The Destiny of Sun Wu Kung, The Story of How the Monkey King Travelled West, or The Fire Child with Ten Thousand Skins by Béla Hamvas into twirling, whirling rhythm. Whether they are “merely” telling stories, making merry, or grieving, HolddalaNap always finds the right song for perfect expression.

Falling Upwards - Concerts of Prayer, Song Meditation, Sound Mandalas

Man is the master, the spokesman and actor of the Life the Creator. We await you to fill our hearts with the love of God, drawing from the eternal source as we pray for Creation and sing for the rivers, trees and waters. We play music for families, couples, children and the old. We sing healing songs and pray for those who mourn with our songs of eternity. Again and again we lift our hearts in harmony for the unity with the Creator. Our musicians connect their sounds and hearts by following the paths of various ways of belief through the spaceless dimension of time, be these Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, or theist in origin. All unite into in one meditation, one hymn of praise and thanksgiving. We draw upon songs and music from many traditions in our admiration of the sacred songs from any religion while also playing our own prayers and mantras. We pray from the heart, where boundaries don’t exist, where differences melt into light, and people of a wide range of beliefs play music in one prayer! All is one!

Feel free to attend these events no matter your religious denomination: let the songs that awaken your soul transform into your prayer, our common prayer. Listen to any music that is unfamiliar to you with love, for these songs may forge the path upwards for many others! We enliven prayer and meditation by rejuvenating ancient rites via fragrance, pictures and movements that aid the inward journey.

The Garden of Songs Upward

Holy songs about the rose petals of time and space, songs that rise upwards, whether a Sufi poem, an Egyptian Coptic Christian Kyrie, a medieval hosanna to St. Mary, a Moldavian Easter song or our own songs of praise.

Peoples’ Christmas

This concert provides tastes of Christmas carols from cultures around the world, preparing us for the holiday. As we clap and sing along with the music, the giant puppet, Aranyoscsitkó, appears to bring presents for children according to the Transylvanian folk tradition. The performance includes—to mention a few—Hungarian, Spanish, Portuguese, Peruvian, Egyptian Coptic Christian and Polish Christmas carols.

Flamenco Christmas

Do you know what Andalusians do for Christmas? They sing! The sound of guitars, clapping hands, tambourines, bagpipes and castanets accompanies hundreds and hundreds of villancicos, Christmas welcoming songs, sung during the golden, apple-scented days of the holiday at the end of December. At this concert the audience receives a selection of these rapid songs, presented with virtuoso guitar accompaniment and plenty of hand-clapping as everyone listening finds himself transported to Andalusia.

The Blood of Christ – Red rose

This performance relays the Stations of the Way of the Cross by means of folk songs for Lent. The silence of Lent becomes infused with the image of the red rose of suffering as it blooms into sound, so the joy of Easter can twine its way heavenward!

Oriental Journey

What could be better than a story concert for young and old alike about the sky-high tree, the bent moon tottering on the branch of a tree, the whiskers of a kitten-mitten, a heavenly shark, the fish of the sea, the Sun Tulip beaming from the wide, widesky and all of the other wondrous beings and creations under God’s sky? Together with the audience’s illustrious help, giant puppets and masked beings on stilts perform a flag dance to transform the already spirited music into a resounding experience.

The Children’s Songs of Many Nations

This performance highlights the children’s songs of different peoples as the cultural anthropologist and singer, Anna Gulyás, provides her usual brand of playful, thought-provoking comments. Giant puppets join in to make the performance even more exciting. Other than Udmurt, Portuguese, Pigmy, British, Spanish, Italian, Macedonian, Moldavian and Hungarian (from Somogy County) songs and lullabies, the group also includes additions from their own compositions.

Peoples’ Lullabies

Via songs selected from the lullabies of different nations this concert draws us into the world of lands either distant or nearby as the quiet rhythms of Pigmy, Yoruba, Udmurt, Andalusian, Gipsy and Hungarian songs fill the hall. Along with the songs, fascinating information is offered about these different cultures, such as the African drum language, the hunting and gathering way of life of Pigmies and festivals in Andalusia.

Muzsikás néprajzi előadás

Series of ethnographical lectures with music

Peoples, holidays, music

This ethnographical performance series is accompanied by several, exotic, musical instruments, thereby transforming participation into a journey through the lives of different cultures and their many-scented festivals, rites and ceremonies. With plenty of songs, rhythms, the unique sounds of wondrous instruments, hand-clapping and singing, the audience can savour the holiday experience, the fruit that brings blessing to daily life. By meeting the exotic worlds of distant cultures, the songs and performances draw us dramatically toward the rediscovery of our own cultural identity. A favourite programme for cultural centres, libraries, schools, the elderly and the young, this concert combines the mutual making of music with an informative lecture, rendering this into both an intellectual and a musical experience.


The musicians-storytellers include Anna Gulyás, singer and cultural anthropologist, and our master musicians paired with other performers. It is a worthwhile experience to see and hear the full range of our musical instruments presented at this event.

Three Golden Apples

Via traditional music and instruments (cither, bagpipes, recorder), the performance guides us through the rich world of the Hungarian folk traditions held throughout the year. After all, the aim of this series is to travel the world in order to arrive safely home again and savouring joy the golden apples plucked from our wondrous tree!

Rite, Holiday, Music

…in the sacred kingdoms

The courtly, sacred music of Eastern cultures and musical pieces from medieval Christianity (oud, koboz, setar, sarod, ney, etc.) make up the selection played in this concert. Together, we discover new territory in the world of holidays.

Rite, Holiday, Music the tribal societies

The dream time, song paths of Australian Aborigines, the ceremonial songs of Pigmies from the rainforest, the throat singing of Canada’s Inuits, an Udmurt bride send-off song, and other tribal tunes and musical instruments (didgeridoo, rainstick, talking drum, koboz, durulyák) are featured in this concert. Our musician-performers make it clear why holidays remain an essential aspect of a traditional lifestyle.

...In Africa and Latin America

Live music forms the backdrop to this event, at which the audience will be exposed to fascinating information about the drum language of Africa, Afro-American rites and Native ceremonies from South America. A resident of Latin America for numerous years, Anna Gulyás conducted fieldwork among the shamans of the Andes Mountains in Ecuador and studied Afro-American rites in Cuba, thereby collecting the material and rich, personal experiences which render this concert an unforgettable experience.

Orange Blossom

Fiesta Flamenca

The music of Andalusian holidays reveals Christmas as a revelry with lots of handclapping, the song competitions of Carnival, the sacred songs twining around Easter like ivy hanging from balconies, the music and dancing of ten-day pilgrimages done on horseback at Pentecost, and naturally as much flamenco as could be wished for! This program is performed via the artistry of outstanding Hungarian interpreters of Flamenco music. The material for this performance was gathered by Anna Gulyás during her ethnographical field-work completed in Andalusia. Her photographer and fellow-traveller, Zoltán Molnár, enrobes the music in swirling colours to imbue the evening with all the sights and sounds of Andalusia.

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